Is to be REAL PEOPLE sharing REAL LOVE
to bring REAL CHANGE by God's grace.
What does it mean?
Jesus spent his ministry inviting REAL PEOPLE to eat with him, follow him, and be changed by him. Throughout the Bible, God takes ordinary people and empowers them to do extraordinary things. God knows us and loves us just as we are and by his grace he never leaves us as we are. When we show up as the REAL PEOPLE we are and experience the REAL LOVE through one another and through the presence of God's Holy Spirit, we are changed and we are empowered to make REAL CHANGE by God's grace in the world around us.
authentic relationships: nurturing family-like bonds both socially and spiritually
servant leadership: empowering all generations to lead with humility, generosity & grace
embracing all: celebrating that our differences are made in the image & likeness of God
transforming hearts: creating space for life-changing encounters with God
compassionate service: honoring the dignity & value of others in missions & outreach
courageous innovation: overcoming resistance to change with flexibility & optimism
Reaching beyond our limits, beyond our walls, and beyond our time.
Interested in joining us in our mission and vision? Consider making a commitment to take your place in our community by becoming a member of St. Charles United Methodist Church. Becoming a member is enlisting for ministry among us by promising to support this local church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
PRAYERS - Promise to pray for our church, members, and ministries
PRESENCE - Promise to prioritize being present in worship, small group, church gatherings, and events.
GIFTS - Promise to practice generosity in financial giving to help us accomplish our mission and vision
TALENTS - Promise to offer your talents to build up our local church and its ministries.
WITNESS - Promise to strive toward living and leading like Jesus, not just when you are at church but in all of life.
We believe when you participate in worship, small groups & study, and service, you will come to know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.